Work / Internship / Volunteering

Software Engineer Intern

6 months

  • Designed and Developed solution for frontend migration from nextjs to Qwik

Software Engineer Intern

3 months

  • Developed Python scripts with OOP to parse disk layout data from INI files.
  • Designed user-friendly web interface to present parsed data, improving system usability.
  • Exposed parsed data with REST API and multi-parameter querying, enhancing system flexibility and functionality.
  • Collaborated with mentors and managers to ensure high quality and user experience
  • Gained software engineering skills, including SDLC, agile methodologies, and version control through the project.
Microsoft Engage

Software Engineer Mentee

2 months

  • Built Teams-like video conferencing app with webRTC APIs for mesh peer-to-peer connection.
  • Developed user-friendly app features for teams, group messaging, invites, and video/audio controls.
  • Deployed project and incorporated feedback to improve the app.
  • Successfully delivered video conferencing app on time with ongoing support and enhancements.

Designed and Developed at @ToolCity